Candidates Choosing Employer Brand Over Salary

A new report conducted by LinkedIn has revealed that no amount of money could tempt over half of UK workers (53%) to consider taking a role at a company with a poor employer brand.

It was also found that 17% would take a new job with a company offering increased job security, greater progression and development opportunities and a higher calibre of team, even without the offer of a pay rise.

Poor employer brand impacts a company’s bottom line – in addition to simply attracting better employees, a strong employer brand helps to retain employees and keep them engaged.

Finding the best candidates remains the number one driver of success for any business. Better communicating the benefits and attractions of their business to potential recruits has to be the top of the agenda.

More than a quarter (26%) of candidates who had had a bad experience when applying for a position with a company advised friends and family not to apply at that company.

Applicants are beginning to scrutinise employers more and more, so employer’s are needing to find how they can attract the talent they need to be successful – but the candidate’s voice and feedback is often absent from this discussion. Employers are at risk of not grasping what is important to candidates when they apply for a job.


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